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As an employer of almost 3,000 employees in Ukraine, we’ve been closely monitoring the events in the country, staying in close contact throughout the situation. The health and safety of our employees remains our top priority. The situation in Ukraine has brought our employees closer together, united in showing their support for our employees in Uzhgorod and Kharkiv.

The Transcarpathian region, where our manufacturing operations in Uzhgorod are based, saw the influx of many fleeing the war. From the very beginning, our sites in Hungary and Poland demonstrated unwavering kindness and empathy to those seeking refuge. Their efforts are heroic and demonstrate that even in the darkest of days, acts of kindness will shine the brightest.

Our sites in Uzhgorod, Kwidzyn (Poland) and Tiszaújváros (Hungary) have aided Ukrainian employees and their families with relocation, border transportation, temporary housing, financial assistance, food and mental health support. Jabil employees have assisted with over 45 border crossings and 30 Kwidzyn employees have opened their homes to those fleeing the war.

“I signed up on the accommodation list, hoping to open my home to those fleeing the unimaginable. I welcomed one person into my home… it’s the least I can do to stand up for the values that are important to me,” said Roman Biedrzycki. “I’m focused on helping them with the legal aspects of their stay and once a week we go for a run or visit places as a brief escape from the realities of war.”

Just like Roman, our employees around the world were eager to help our colleagues. We quickly established an internal Ukraine Relief Fund to assist employees in need with Jabil matching 100 percent of all money raised. At the end of the humanitarian relief campaign, Jabil employees had donated $200,000, which equated to $400,000 raised after Jabil’s match. Additionally, our customers, suppliers, friends and family donated an additional $80,000 and have helped with the donation of goods, free shipping and logistics support.

As the war has continued, our humanitarian efforts increased, as our sites across Europe began collecting physical donations from our employees of first aid kits, non-prescription betano mobile app medicines, thermal clothes, bedding and non-perishable foods. Jabil employees volunteered their personal time to sort and pack donations for shipment into Ukraine. We have delivered over 409 pallets or 94 tons of critically needed items. The items not immediately in need by Jabil employees were distributed to those in most need, including refugee shelters, orphanages and the local community.

“Together with the great amount of donations arriving from the other Jabil European sites, we supported those in need and in critical situations in Ukraine. We have tried our best to ease their hardship,” said Sandor Rozskov, senior operations project manager at Jabil Tiszaújváros. “We stand united with our parents and friends still in Ukraine.”

Our sites looked for innovative ways to help. Our young apprentices in Switzerland made pepper mills and sold them to employees to raise money for supplies. In Kwidzyn, our employees held cake sales with all monies raised going to fund supplies for Ukraine. And in Waterford, Ireland, the site opened the donation process to its local community with the fire service, schools, colleges and other companies donating critically needed betano online betting items with 25,000 individual items shipped.

On April 24, the single largest shipment of aid was received from Jabil’s site in Tuttlingen, Germany, working in partnership with other companies in its local area.

Speaking about the support employees have received from Jabil, Ukrainian Software Engineer Viktor Taiemnytskyi said, “We really appreciate your help and support, because it gives the feeling that we are not alone, and we have friends in all corners of the planet. This is very important at the moment. These events were very shocking and unexpected for all of us. It is nice to know that although darkness is directed at us on the one hand, light is shining on us on the other.”

Jabil will continue sharing the wonderful ways our employees have opened their hearts to those in need.

Jabil Cares, our community outreach and volunteer platform, supports localized efforts around specific causes related to Education, Empowerment and the Environment.