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Meeting the Challenge Head-On

Companies producing consumer packaged goods (CPG) are at a turning point — find smart ways to make their products and packaging sustainable, or potentially face increasing regulations, taxes, and consumer backlash.

Jabil Packaging Solutions (JPS) has the resources and experience to deliver innovative, sustainable packaging for virtually any consumer product — from food and beverage to home and personal care.

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Jabil’s Sustainable Packaging Services Framework

The pressure is on: companies are trying to respond to sustainability mandates, yet finding what is needed, sourcing the right materials, and designing products to fit them all can get extremely complex. Every factor is interdependent, and creating the right solution, end-to-end, may be outside the scope of most companies. 

Jabil Packaging Solutions offers packaging choices by applying a threefold approach to your product. Our comprehensive expertise and nearly 1.5M sq. ft. of JPS manufacturing space in facilities worldwide, will help you find the sustainable packaging that’s right for your product, your brand, and your planet.


Designing new packaging formats or modifying existing products to meet your sustainability goals.



Validating the carbon footprint, recyclability and sustainability of new product designs to ensure an optimal end-of-life result.



Determining sustainable materials for your package and intelligently sourcing them, while factoring for price, supply, and technical performance.


Top Sustainable Packaging Goals for CPG Brands

Through technology leadership, manufacturing excellence, betano casino reviewand time-to-market advantages, Jabil’s value-added solutions leverage a portfolio of highly engineered and proprietary processes to solve complex packaging requirements. We help our customers achieve their sustainability goals by providing a combination of solutions for each unique challenge CPG brands face today.


Incorporating PCR is a marathon, not a sprint. Collaborate with JPS to determine the appropriate PCR content percentages across your portfolio and implement them while considering supply, cost and demand.



Consolidating materials and altering form factor can make a world of difference when it comes to the end of life scenario for a given package. Work with Jabil’s packaging design team to ensure your product can be recycled and reused for maximum value at minimal environmental impact.



Barrier packaging drives incredible improvements in shelf life and product quality for food and beverage brands. But until now, it has not been a sustainable option. JPS provides world-leading, high-barrier recyclable packaging solutions that provide the best of both worlds.



JPS leverages materials from leading suppliers to create custom blends that are both functional and sustainable. Return power to your consumers with home compostable packaging that doesn't sacrifice functionality, flavor or product longevity. 



Sustainability is much larger than just ocean plastics. Jabil Packaging Solutions can assess your package and calculate your carbon emissions. From there, tangible design and manufacturing improvements can be made betano online bettingto decrease your carbon footprint.



Many packaging formats still use an unnecessary amount of raw material, adding up in cost and carbon emissions. JPS can help eliminate the extra plastic that is not essential, including the creation of reusable and refillable product delivery systems.



From cartons to pallets, the small differences in volumetric efficiency across your packaging portfolio can have big ramifications on your carbon footprint. Work with Jabil to optimize your packaging portfolio for cost savings and carbon emissions reduction.



Plastic reduction was cited as a leading CPG goal in the 2022 Sustainability Trends Survey Report. Work with our packaging design team to further light weight your current product portfolio or explore Ecologic and FusePack, our sustainable packaging technology platforms that provide drastic plastic reduction benefits.



Sustainable Technology Platforms


Ecologic is a hybrid paper packaging technology that leverages a strong fiber outer shell and a very thin inner plastic liner, resulting in containers that are up to 70% less plastic when compared to formats of the same size.

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FusePack is a new hybrid packaging structure that combines the best features of rigid, flexible and fiber packaging. The rigid interior frame defines the shape and provides structural integrity while the in-mold label (IML) or paper panels enclose and protect the product.

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Packaging Highlights

EcoJar Solution Overview Webinar
betano casino reviewEcologic’s groundbreaking hybrid paper bottle technology arrives in jar formats for cosmetics, lotions & creams, hair care products and consumer healthcare.

2022 Sustainable Packaging Trends Report
Hear from your peers on CPG goals and challenges as well as product-level strategies regarding paper and compostable resins.

Sourcing Post Consumer Resin: Six Considerations
Ask many of the world's leading brands about their sustainable packaging plans and they will tell you: they aim to make their packaging 100% reusable or recyclable by 2025. 

Four Smart Strategies to Sustainable Packaging Design
When Thomas Edison counseled, "We should remember that good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation," the inventor probably wasn't thinking about how to eliminate or reduce the quantity of plastics floating in the ocean or lying in landfills.

Sustainable Solutions to Product Packaging
Sustainability is not just a packaging industry issue. Sustainability represents one of the biggest challenges facing all of us today.

Three Sustainable Packaging Trends Shaping the Future
In 1955, Life magazine published an article entitled “Throwaway Living.” The article celebrated disposability, hailing it as a sign of progress, a promise that someday chores like washing dishes will become an antiquated form of drudgery.

Wet Wipes Packaging Machine

Solutions for Packaging Transformation

Device & Consumable Systems
At Jabil Packaging Solutions we believe the next wave of CPG differentiation will come in the form of durable delivery systems that leverage convenient and sustainable refill consumables.

Connected Packaging
Transform the user experience and boost brand loyalty.